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American Oak Cubes Heavy Toast, 3 oz.

Model: GF_6350


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  • These American oak cubes are heavily toasted oak cubes that are used in making wine or beer. Contact time with the cubes results in the development of a complex flavor profile that includes earthy, creamy textures and hints of vanilla. and caramel. Because of their shape, cubes have a more uneven toast than oak chips, which can lead to more depth of character but can take longer for the flavor profiles to develop. The shape of cubes ensures a slower diffusion of flavor and aromatic compounds. American oak tends to be used in wines and beers with a shorter maturation time than French oak. Try heavy-toasted American oak cubes for bold wines and big, rich beers!

Dimensions: N/A
Weight: 0.2 lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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