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Porter Call Me A Taxi Extract Kit

Model: GF_BKA003


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  • This recipe has stood the test of time. First brewed over 13 years ago and has been a Great Fermentations standard ever since. With an original gravity of around 1.054, this beer is so flavorful that it drinks as a much bigger beer. A rich unsweetened to semi-sweet chocolate palate comes from a pound of chocolate malt and 4 oz. of debitterized black. The palate is rounded out with some 60L crystal and enough Cluster hops to bitter. We suggest Wyeast 1007 German Ale for a dry finish or 1728 Scottish Ale for a more malty finish. Want to change it up? Add cacao nibs or cold-pressed coffee in the secondary.

Dimensions: N/A
Weight: 14 lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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