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Polypropylene Oak Flavoring Tube

Model: GF_PP560CBW


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  • Oaking wine, beer, and other beverages can bring out a rich complexity that adds to and complements the natural flavors of the product. However, adding oak chips or cubes can be tricky, as oak can spread through the liquid, making removal difficult. Now, with the Polypropylene Oak Flavoring tube, adding and removing oak can be done easily, with no mess! Simply fill the tube up with your choice of oak product, place carefully in the carboy, and allow the bung or airlock to hold the attached line in place. You can then periodically check the oak level in your product, and remove oak when the desired level has been reached. Made of high quality polypropylene, this tube is durable and will last, batch after batch!

Dimensions: N/A
Weight: 0.2 lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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