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Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey

Model: GF_1214XL


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  • Wyeast's Belgian Ale strain is a classic yeast originating from the Chimay brewery. It can be used to create a plethora of Belgian ales. Spicy flavors blend with clove and banana esters, giving beers a layered depth of complexity. Belgian Ale yeast has a higher temperature range than many British and American strain, and the ester profile will vary with fermentation. Known to be a slow starter and a medium flocculator at best, this strain is highly attenuative once it gets going.

    Beer Styles: . Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Belgian Dubbel, Belgian Specialty Ale, Belgian Tripel, Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer, Witbier.

Dimensions: N/A
Weight: 0.35 lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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