
Dry Wine Yeast - Assmanshausen (8 g)

Model: MB_DYW68

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Originating from Geisenheim Research Institute, AMH is useful for making Pinot noir and Zinfandel. It is considered a color friendly strain that enhances spicy (clove, nutmeg) and fruity flavors and aromas. AMH has a long lag phase, a slow to medium fermentation rate and benefits greatly from the use of GO-FERM and Fermaid K. Good strain domination is obtained with AMH if the culture is allowed to develop in about 10% of the total must for about 8 hours before final inoculation. Note that in the hydration phase, AMH does not appear to be as active as other yeast can be, but this is not an indication of viability. Best results from 68 to 86 degrees F, tolerant up to 15% alcohol.,Click here for a PDF of the MoreWine Manual on re-hydrating wine yeast. ,Click here for a PDF of the MoreWine Yeast and Grape Pairing Guide.

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Dimensions: N/A
Weight: 1 lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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