Home Brewing Accessories

The CornyPillar



The CornyPillar is designed for homebrewers using homebrewing appliances that utilize a corny keg as the "boil kettle" and are left with using either an ice bath or an oddball "CFC" that involves 20+lbs of ice per 3 gallon batch of wort and chilling times that are in the 20 minute range.

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  • Corny keg wort chiller
  • Input and output lines
  • Two 5' sections of 3/8" vinyl tubing with 3/4" female garden hose adapter for the input
  • Chilling time: 6 minutes for 3 gallon batch (in a corny keg) to 10° F above tap water temperature
  • Recommended chilling water source: Any source (kitchen sink faucet, utility sink, garden hose spigot, etc.)
Dimensions: Two 25 inch coils x 1/4 O.D. run in parallel
Weight: N/A lbs.
Warranty: N/A
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Free Shipping: No


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